How can I order a book from this website?
With the help of our Price Calculator get a price quote for the book without any obligation to purchase.
When you are ready with your selections you can submit your order on-line by clicking the "Place Order" button.
If you have special requests and our Price Calculator cannot estimate your costs effectively, send us an e-mail with your unique wishes and book description to info@unicbook.com.

What steps are involved in the preparation of my book?
You Place your order on-line.
We start e-mail communication with you about in-depth details about your book.
You send us all pictures and text documents you wish to be included in the book.
We design sample pages for the book to show style and design direction and send it to you in pdf format for your review.
If you like the design and approve it, we edit the layout for the whole book based on the sample pages and we send the finished document over to you for a second review.
After all required corrections and changes are made, with your final approval, we print and bind all copies of the book and mail them to you.

How much will it cost to create my own custom-designed and custom-made book?
You can get a quote instantly with the help of our Price Calculator. If you have special requests not found in our menus, please contact us in e-mail.

How long will it take to have my book prepared?
It can be as fast as within 6 days!
Book editing and graphic design usually takes 2-3 days depending on the size of the book, number of pages contained within, and depending on the quality of the pictures you provide us. Better quality pictures require less touch-up and editing on our part therefore will be ready in a shorter time.
Printing and binding takes 2-4 days depending on the volume of your order and the type of binding you choose. Shipping takes 5-10 business days. From the time you place your order to receiving the completed copies, including design, manufacturing and shipping usually takes 10-15 days.

I would like some original art illustrations made. How can I order it?
Our artist will create a few sketches based on your ideas and needs. These sketches will be sent to you via e-mail. You can ask for modifications to the sketches received. After you find the revised sketches satisfying. Our artist will finish the illustration in full color and will sent it to you via e-mail. If you order more than one graphic illustration we make sketches for each one of them. Upon request we can create graphics based on photographs.

What technique does your graphic artist use?
For uncolored line art our artist usually prepares pencil sketches for review. After approval the sketch will be finished in ink.
For color illustrations the inked line art will be colored with aquarelle pencil, which is a pencil that has a special lead in it that creates aquarelle-like colors when water is added.
To see examples of original illustrations created by our artist click here.

How will my books be delivered to me?
Book orders will be mailed with registered 5-10 day international parcel shipping using the postal service.

How long does shipping take?
Parcel delivery to the countries of the European Union usually take 4-6 business days, to the United States and Canada 5-8 business days.

How much does shipping & handling cost?
It is free. We offer free shipping to the countries of the European Union, the United States and Canada. About shipping costs to other countries please, inquire by e-mail at info@unicbook.com.

How and when do I pay for my book?
After clicking the "Place Order" button on our Price Calculator page you can complete your purchase using any major credit card or through PayPal.

Do I have to install any new software to my computer to prepare the book?
Absolutely not.
We are responsible for all design services, printing, binding and the delivery of the finished books. We don't use pre-designed layout templates and do not require clients to use softwares to edit their own books. With our professional expertise and experience we create a one-of-a kind design exclusively for you, based on your ideas and instructions.

I already have designed my book. Can you make it for me?
Yes, we can..
Send us your book design in 300 DPI (print quality) resolution in PDF format. We manufacture and send you the required number of copies of your book shortly.

How can I send my pictures and text documents to you?
Shortly after placing your order you will receive and automatic confirmation message that contains an upload link. By clicking on this link you can quickly and easily upload and send us all pictures and documents for the book.

In what format should I submit my texts?
You can submit your texts in any standard document format such .doc .docx .rtf .txt etc.
Since we are responsible for graphic design you don't need to do any layout editing or formatting on the texts.

In what format should I submit my pictures?
Send them in .jpg .tif or .pdf files. Pictures made by a digital camera should be sent in their original version, in the largest size and resolution you have. This provides for superior printing quality. Older pictures should be scanned in the largest possible resolution, usually 600 DPI.

How are you going to know where to place the pictures in the body of the text?
When you send us your pictures it is best to rename them in the order of appearance in the book (e.g. 001.jpg, 002.jpg etc.). Alternatively, you can place marks in the text body where the pictures should appear. You can also submit your text with the pictures already inserted where you want to see them appear. In this case we still need the originals of the pictures in large jpg tif or pdf format for higher print quality. Before printing and binding we will send you the design of the entire book through e-mail so that you can check and ask for modifications as needed.

How should my book look like? Can I get help with the design concept?
As a start, you can find a wealth of ideas and suggestions for books and gifts offered by our company under the "Creative Book Ideas" menu. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to contact us in e-mail at info@unicbook.com.

Can you make custom size books?
Yes, we can.
We can make any desired size with the limitation of 29 cm in height and 29 cm in length. (About 11 3/8" x 11 3/8"). In the instant Price Calculator select the size closest to the size of your book. Use the "Short description of the book" box to give us exact dimensions. We do not charge extra for special sizes.

What is the difference between hardcover, spine-stitched and paperback, soft-cover adhesive-bound books?
There are a lot of differences between these two book-binding technologies. Our company believes in their superior quality and therefore makes exclusivelytraditional, hand-bound, hardcover, spine-stitched books. See a short list of main differences below:
Hardcover, spine-stitched binding:
Very durable, traditional book binding technique.
Bundles of the pages called signatures are sewn together with thread stitches than glued together. In addition, the spine of the book is reinforced by additional paper and cloth.
The cover is constructed from an approximately 2 mm (1/16") thick paper board which will be covered by the binding material of your choice such as paper, canvas, suede or genuine leather.
Books, bound by this technique, can be opened completely flat to the edge of the pages.
In case of more strain, tear and wear, the book does not fall apart.
Paperback, soft-cover, adhesive-bound books:
Quick, cheap, industrial technology but less durable
Pages are held together by adhesive glue and the book may fall apart after a few years of aging.
The covers of the book are made of a heavier paper that is usually printed on. By opening the book, the spine of it breaks and wrinkles permanently.
The book cannot be opened completely. A 1-1.5 cm wide strip, parallel to the spine practically cannot be seen.
If we try to open the book completely to the edges of the pages or we keep it open for a long time the book may fall apart.

How can I select cover binding material?
From the comfort of your home...
Our material swatches are shown in a wide variety of colors under the "Samples" menu on our website. You will also find detailed description about the techniques we use to place titles and pictures on the cover.

What can I put on the cover?
We can print anything on laminated paper covers. We create the cover design for you using the visual material you submit to us. This service is free of charge on all orders. Cloth and plush covers can be stamped with gold, silver or black color. On genuine leather binding we can place titles, patterns or sketches with laser-engraving technology. See our "Reference Works" for examples.

I would like a book with genuine leather cover. Can you make it?
Yes we can.
You can make a selection for leather type and color under the "Samples" menu.

Can you make board-books for use of babies, toddlers and infants?
Yes, we can.
Our board books are reinforced with textile at the spine to make them even more durable. Books sold in regular stores are usually held together only by the thin printed paper layer glued on the boards so they break and tear easily.

What is your minimum volume for book orders?
One single copy.

How do you protect the privacy of the pictures, photos and writings submitted to you?
We never share the content of our books with any third party. Ever. Our Quality Assurance System guarantees that.

I would like to create a book as a gift but I do not have enough picture and text material to complete it. What can I do?
Check out our "Creative Book Ideas" menu for many useful and imaginative suggestions.
Do not worry. We have made wonderful books as short as 8 pages long!
If you don't have enough time to create the book you can gift a UnicBook Gift Certificate.

What is UnicBook Gift Certificate?
If you want to gift our services to someone else we send you a registered UnicBook Gift Certificate. The beneficiary of the certificate can create his or her own unique book. You can read more details here. We regularly draw a lucky winner of a UnicBook Gift Certificate amongst the readers of our newsletter. Sign up for our newsletter on the left side of our webpage and win!

How can I gift a UnicBook Gift Certificate?
Send us an e-mail request and we contact you to discuss the details. You can pay for the amount you wish to give with all major credit cards or through PayPal. We will mail the certificate to you. To get an idea about our prices use our instant Price Calculator. In case you have a special request we can send you a quote via e-mail. As a nice personal touch from you to the recipient we can place a personal message on the certificate itself if you request it.

I have more questions!
We are here to answer!
Contact us in e-mail at info@unicbook.com.