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Unter den Lesern unseres Newsletters verlosen wir am 20. März
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5 bahnbrechende Idee für Valentin Tag

Geben Sie dieses Jahr kein Kuscheltier Ihren Geliebten!

Unabhängig davon wie lange Sie schon mit Ihrem Partner zusammen sind (seit einem Monat, oder vierzig Jahren), Sie haben sicher gemeinsame Erinnerungen, Geschichten, Fotos. Die Geschichte von zwei Menschen in der Hand halten…

Book idea No. 1 – Pictures in all amounts The most beautyful smile

Collect all paper photographs, slides and digital pictures, and put them in order. You may want to add a few notes, titles or quotes. The rest is our job. We will create a unique, one-of-a-kind photo-book using the pictures you provide in the design style and book size that suits you best.

The book of lettersBook idea No. 2 – Love letters

Unearth that box from the attic that holds your old love letters! We will edit them into a book keeping the original handwriting and drawings you made if you wish.

You can also copy all your love e-mails, text messages and chats into a single Word document and hire us to organize and format them into a book thus preserving these fickle electronic messages in a lasting traditional printed format that lasts for hundreds of years.

Book idea No. 3 – The Story of Your Love Flowers book

Write down your own story in a novel, short story, tale or poem or just in a few sentences. We can add visual illustrations such as photos, favorite pictures or lovely drawings made by our graphic artists.

Wedding memoriesBook idea No. 4 – Wedding memories

We can correct and restore your old wedding pictures. Add song lyrics, well wishes received with your wedding gifts, flight tickets and pictures of the honeymoon, dried flowers and anything else that evokes memories that made your wedding day special.

Book idea No. 5 – Adventure book

Send us the story and pictures of a trip you made together or an important story you lived through together and we will turn it into an adventure book. Your grandchildren will also be able to re-live your special days.

Create a fantastic surprise for your sweetheart on the Day of the Lovers – by creating a unique Love Book!

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